In the back pages of Vanity Fair each month (my fave mag), readers find "The Proust Questionnaire," a series of questions posed to famous subjects about their lives, thoughts, values and experience. It stems from responses given by French writer Marcel Proust at the end of the nineteenth century. This is what I most look forward to upon receiving VF, but I make myself read the whole thing before I allow myself this guilty pleasure.
It's not so much that I care what these "famous" people think or feel, but it is the response it elicits from me that I truly enjoy. Sometimes, depending on the subject, I don't even read their answers! For instance this month it was Jane Fonda. Let's be honest, she has done lots for teen pregnancy prevention and has been quite the political activist, but do I really care when she was happiest? No, but I do wonder when I was happiest?
So you see it is a great opportunity to contemplate one's self, one's thoughts. I think we all live life so manic-ly that we sometimes lose sight of who we are, what we enjoy and what really makes us tick. . . . we are all in need of some introspection. These questionnaires give me a few minutes each month to reflect on my inner self, my soul if you will. Take a minute and ask yourself these questions. Your answers might surprise even you!
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
What is your greatest Fear?
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
What is your greatest extravagance?
What is your current state of mind?
On what occasion do you lie?
What do you dislike most about your appearance?
Which living person do you most despise?
What do you most value in you friends?
What or who is the greatest love in your life?
When and here were your happiest?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Where would you like to live?
What is your most treasured possession?
What is your favorite occupation?
What is your most marked characteristic?
Who are your favorite writers?
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
What is it that you most dislike?
What is your greatest regret?
Which talent would you most like to have?
How would you like to die?
What is your motto?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Drumroll please . . . . . TADA!
I stepped it up and got all technologically savvy on you girls! I WILL NOT be a daily blogger, but a couple of peeps suggested that this would be a fun and easy way to forward my "faves" to my "faves!" So here we go . . . . 77 KIDS, which is owned by American Eagle Outfitters is fantastic for those who love crewcuts, but don't want to break the bank. For instance this little tutu skirt is identical to the one at crewcuts at half the cost, and I think it's even on sale right now. So if this is for you, check out Also owned by them is Martin + Osa. Sort of a J. Crew feel, but they still have some kinks to work out. For you ATL girls it's in Perimeter Mall. Worth a look.

Run don't walk to Target for some REALLY cute Spring items. First, they are carrying Miss Trish of Capri sandals for only $40! However, good luck finding them. The ones I wanted were sold out the day they came out. You will score if you have a big foot. If you are a 6/5 or 7, best of luck to you! Also, most of you know I have gone from HATING costume jewelry to owning enough of it to open a small store. My staples are Forever 21's website and obviously J. Crew, but right now Target has some AMAZING pieces! I picked this necklace up and adore it!

A good friend of mine who has a pretty hectic life turned me on to this basket and since then I have gotten three to give as gifts. She keeps it in her car and toots around with it while waiting on kids at their various activities. It's a great catchall for mail, catalogs, magazines, school calendars, etc. Also, how cute for a little picnic too?! Thanks EKB!

I am a seasonal perfume wearer. You all should be. What's nice in the Winter is a bit heavy in the Summer and what's pleasant in the Summer is lost in the Winter. I have been a Victoria's Secret Pear Spring/Summer wearer since the early 90's when it first came out. But listen up, I am officially switching to Marc Jacobs Rain Splash. There are three to choose from, all lovely. Huge bottles since you don't use it sparingly as it is a "splash," but remember they are seasonal and will change so if you really like one buy two bottles to last thru two seasons. Yummy!

On the same note, Annick Goutal is a genius. For years I have admired her scents and have finally decided this Fall I will purchase one. I can't stop smelling it . . . . simply divine. There are many to choose from, each nicer than the other. I am wearing a sample I got and I would totally want to make out with me!

Simply THE BEST foot cream I have ever had. Wils got it for me on his annual Christmas eve run to Walgreens in an attempt to fill my stocking. Who knew his bunt would turn into such a home run among the Listerine Strips, travel sewing kit and paper clips.

This is fun for those of you who have little girls or just like fun smelly stuff. I got some of this for one of E's friends as a birthday present and of course one for E as well. She loves it. It smells so good it's hard to believe you can't eat it. Dylan's Candy Bar is one of my girls' favorite places to go get a treat when in NYC. It is available online at

Due to being on injured reserve list, I have been doing a lot of Yoga lately, and boy it makes me sore! I found this stuff at Wal Mart dirt cheap, and it is wonderful, that is if you take baths. Warning: It has a very strong somewhat medicinal lavender smell and leaves your skin with a bit of an oily sheen. Neither of those bother me, but just FYI. I do really swear by it for after a good workout!!

Now this is cool! You download this workout onto your Ipod and off you go. This one is a six minute ab workout that really is great. Find it at

Watch the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency on Sunday nights on HBO. You have missed two episodes, but they are available on demand if you have Comcast. I read the book and the show is just as entertaining!!

Run don't walk to Target for some REALLY cute Spring items. First, they are carrying Miss Trish of Capri sandals for only $40! However, good luck finding them. The ones I wanted were sold out the day they came out. You will score if you have a big foot. If you are a 6/5 or 7, best of luck to you! Also, most of you know I have gone from HATING costume jewelry to owning enough of it to open a small store. My staples are Forever 21's website and obviously J. Crew, but right now Target has some AMAZING pieces! I picked this necklace up and adore it!

A good friend of mine who has a pretty hectic life turned me on to this basket and since then I have gotten three to give as gifts. She keeps it in her car and toots around with it while waiting on kids at their various activities. It's a great catchall for mail, catalogs, magazines, school calendars, etc. Also, how cute for a little picnic too?! Thanks EKB!

I am a seasonal perfume wearer. You all should be. What's nice in the Winter is a bit heavy in the Summer and what's pleasant in the Summer is lost in the Winter. I have been a Victoria's Secret Pear Spring/Summer wearer since the early 90's when it first came out. But listen up, I am officially switching to Marc Jacobs Rain Splash. There are three to choose from, all lovely. Huge bottles since you don't use it sparingly as it is a "splash," but remember they are seasonal and will change so if you really like one buy two bottles to last thru two seasons. Yummy!

On the same note, Annick Goutal is a genius. For years I have admired her scents and have finally decided this Fall I will purchase one. I can't stop smelling it . . . . simply divine. There are many to choose from, each nicer than the other. I am wearing a sample I got and I would totally want to make out with me!

Simply THE BEST foot cream I have ever had. Wils got it for me on his annual Christmas eve run to Walgreens in an attempt to fill my stocking. Who knew his bunt would turn into such a home run among the Listerine Strips, travel sewing kit and paper clips.

This is fun for those of you who have little girls or just like fun smelly stuff. I got some of this for one of E's friends as a birthday present and of course one for E as well. She loves it. It smells so good it's hard to believe you can't eat it. Dylan's Candy Bar is one of my girls' favorite places to go get a treat when in NYC. It is available online at

Due to being on injured reserve list, I have been doing a lot of Yoga lately, and boy it makes me sore! I found this stuff at Wal Mart dirt cheap, and it is wonderful, that is if you take baths. Warning: It has a very strong somewhat medicinal lavender smell and leaves your skin with a bit of an oily sheen. Neither of those bother me, but just FYI. I do really swear by it for after a good workout!!

Now this is cool! You download this workout onto your Ipod and off you go. This one is a six minute ab workout that really is great. Find it at

Watch the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency on Sunday nights on HBO. You have missed two episodes, but they are available on demand if you have Comcast. I read the book and the show is just as entertaining!!
Rent Changeling. It is by far one of THE BEST films I have seen in a very long time.
Read The Secret Life of Cece Wilkes, by Diane Chamberlain. Fantastic read, won't want to put it down and will read into the night!
If you have a KROGER in your neck of the woods I highly recommend the Kroger brand frozen ROSEMARY GARLIC SHRIMP. If you don't have lots of time, but would like to prepare something nice, or even as a little app, it is yum yum big time. I know sounds unappealing, but I am a food snob (with the exception of La Choy mini egg rolls) and it is really good. Serve with some rice pilaf and veggie . . . .gourmet meal in no time!
This is something a little different, but really interesting. It's called the Sound Advice Project, and it is a company that sells beaded bracelets in the configuration of sound waves. I know, a little out there. But I ordered one for E's birthday that says, "Always remember we are so proud of you." I haven't gotten it yet, so I can't really speak to what it looks like, but I absolutely LOVE the idea. Also, what a great gift to send words of encouragement to someone. Check it out at
Lands End Whirlwind Raincoat. With all the rain in the ATL I had to breakdown and buy an adult version of a classic kids raincoat. I found the perfect one and it comes in a bevy of colors and happens to be on sale in stores right now. Water literally falls right off of it! Check it out if one is needed at
Check out for adorable screen printed tees. They are local and are selling them in highend boutiques. Love them!! Great sayings and thoughts.
I hope you liked my very first installment of my "faves" on the blog. That's all I've got for now!
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